
RPG Kit for Unity – Part 2

For now the Battle System Editor is finished (animation and particle effect implementations will follow shortly) – and I'm working on a release of the RPG Kit in September (end). This release won't have the full features I was aiming at, but the rest will follow when it's done.

September's release will include:

  • Project Editor:
    Allows to fully set up your projects data (status values, status effects, elements, items, skills, enemies, characters, etc.)
  • Battle System Editor:
    Set up your battle system (turn based or active time; real time will be implemented in the future), including battle menu, battle HUD and a text based test battle system.
  • Area Name Editor:
    Define multilingual names (languages can be set up in the Project Editor) to be used in scenes to set the current area name the player/party is located.
  • Camera Position Editor:
    This editor is used to define a cameras position, rotation and field of view for later use (e.g. in the Event Editor for cinematic camera controls). The position is relative to the position of a game object (or a child) and can be defined in local space or world space – and to look at the game object.
  • Event Editor:
    The Event Editor allows easy event creation (dialogues, party management, camera control, add/remove/check items/equipment/money, etc.), but will have limited functionality in this release (only the crucial things). More about the event system of the RPG kit will follow in the next post.

I'll work hard on finishing this release of the RPG kit as soon as possible – so stay tuned!


RPG Kit for Unity: Formulas

While the work on the battle system part of the RPG kit improves, I want to give you an understanding of one of the key features of the kit:

The power of formulas
Formulas are used to calculate hit chances of skills, weapons or enemies, skill damage, the effect of items (e.g. on status values) or to determine the order of actions in the battle system, escape chances, counter attack chances, etc.

As you can see, formulas are used in nearly every major aspect of an RPG. Normally you would have to code your formulas yourself whenever you need it …
But in the RPG kit for Unity, formulas can be done much easier – you simply put them together in the Project Editor and then use them whenever you need it.

Formula creation

Formulas are organized in steps, every step has a value and an operator (add, sub, multiply, divide and done – this finishes the calculation). The value can be:

  • A value: type in the number you want to calculate with
  • A status value: select a status value of the user or target used for the calculation
  • A formula: use a formula you already created within another formula
  • A random number: define minimum and maximum of the random pool

The operator determines how the next step should interact with the current value of the formula. By using formulas within a formula it is very easy to create complex calculations. To see if your formula works the way you want, you can test it right away – just define the status values for user and target and click the test button.

That's it for now, stay tuned …