
ORK version 1.0.1 - now with C#

I'm happy to announce the release of the new version of ORK. All scripts are now available in JavaScript and C# versions - you'll get both on purchase!

There are also some new features, e.g. the ItemCollector, which allows easy placement and collection of items in scenes (handles displaying the item's prefab, adding the item to the inventory, displaying a dialogue which informs about the collected item and handles setting and checking game variables, etc.).

Read all changes in the changelog.



ORK now officially supports Web Player publishing

As the title states - ORK Okashi RPG Kit for Unity now officially supports publishing to the Web Player platform! This was the next big step after the release on November 7, 2010.

And we got the demo to prove it :D

Web Player Demo

Have fun!


ORK Okashi RPG Kit proudly released!

I'm proud to announce - it is done!

ORK Okash RPG Kit, a role playing game development kit for the Unity Game Development Tool is now officially released.

Visit rpg-kit.com for details. You'll find a small overview of ORKs features, the complete (and massive) documentation and, naturally, the shop with informations on the licences and prices.



ORK: Release on November 7, 2010

Spread the word :D

And don't forget to try the small demo RPG created with ORK - the Okashi RPG Kit for Unity:

Be ready for the release this Sunday, November 7, 2010 ... including detailed documentation!
Just a small note on the prices - expect around 100 euros for a single indie developer licence, details on Sunday.



ORK: Okashi RPG Kit for Unity - Demo

It took me longer than expected to finish the demo game (kids, trips, etc. :D) - but you can try it now!

Go to rpg-kit.com to download the standalone demo (for Windows or Mac).
This small RPG shows the key features of ORK (short for Okashi RPG Kit for Unity), including ingame events (dialogues, etc.), battle system (the demo uses the active time settings), etc. - even a simple camera system based on game events was implemented in the town area of the game.
Every gameplay aspect of the demo was created using ORK - so try it out and drop me a line!

The release of the actual RPG Kit will be this weekend - all I have to do is finish the documentation ... so many pages to write :D